Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Essential Cannabis Terms Every Novice User Must Know

Are you aware of the fact that the cannabis plant has taken over a number of prescription medicines? All because of its therapeutic potential of managing the symptoms of various medical conditions. Given this, a lot many people are applying for their medical marijuana card in Moreno Valley.

Even then there is a lot of confusion about the common cannabis terms, especially for the people who are new in this cannabis world. And it becomes really important to clear all the things if you want them to work for your condition.

To help you out, we’ve made this brief guide of the important terms that you must be aware of before applying for 420 evaluations in Moreno Valley.

Indica And Sativa

Have you ever visited any online cannabis store or a local dispensary? If it is so, then you might have seen products labeled as “Sativa” or “Indica”. But what exactly does that mean?

Indica vs. Sativa - How do I choose the right strain? — Nice Guys Delivery

Since cannabis is a complex plant, to make things simpler it is categorized into Sativa and Indica. These are different species of the cannabis plant that look and grow differently, and also have different impacts. The basic difference is that Sativas are tall and lean, while Indicas are short and a little bushy. Secondly, Indicas help you in sleeping and relaxing due to their sedative effects, whereas Sativas can be consumed during the day due to their uplifting properties. 


You’ll get to hear these two terms when you’ll buy cannabis. As both THC and CBD are the main cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. However, both the cannabinoids differ in nature and properties, which makes each one of them unique. Though both of them are responsible for the therapeutic potential of the cannabis plant, THC has intoxicating properties due to which you’ll feel high. On the other hand, CBD is completely non-intoxicating in nature.

How THC & CBD Work Together

Cannabis, Marijuana, And Hemp

Since you are a novice user and you are new to the cannabis world, it is quite possible for you to consider hemp, marijuana, and cannabis the same. But this is not completely true.

Though both marijuana and cannabis are terms used for the same substance, hemp is entirely different from them. Unlike Cannabis, the distinctive difference between hemp and marijuana is that a hemp plant has a very minimal amount of the intoxicating THC compound. The hemp plant can’t have more than 0.3% THC, according to the laws. However, hemp is being used in various industries like skincare, fuel, textile, and many more, that makes it a versatile plant.

Differences Between Hemp, CBD And Marijuana - International Cannabis  Association


Last but not the least, you’ll hear about this thing a lot while shopping for cannabis. Confused what exactly these are?

A strain is a genetic subtype of the cannabis plant, that is derived either from an Indica, a Sativa, or a hybrid one. And the medicinal effects that are induced on your body by the plant is entirely dependent on the strain you are consuming. And given this that you want to use cannabis for relaxing yourself or for your sleep disorders, then you can’t select an uplifting strain and vice-versa. Having said that, it becomes important to be aware of the different types of strains and their medicinal properties, if you want cannabis to manage your medical condition effectively.

What Is A Cannabis Strain? | Strain Definition by Weedmaps

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